Thursday 20 September 2012


On Wednesday we held our themed dinner. The night was successful and our theme worked well. We will post a photo below.
Today we met to complete the final parts of the assessment, however one member of the group had to go to the hospital so we were left with just 3 members of the group so we were not able to complete as much as we would of liked. Hopefully she will be well for Monday where we plan to complete all parts of the assessment and start putting it together.
We have been allowed to change the day of our presentation until Thursday instead of Tuesday so we will have a bit more time to complete the presentation. 
More photos will be added on Monday

1 comment:

  1. Hi Team,
    I have enjoyed your posts and the set up of your blog. The photo is a great representation of your successful evening! I have marked the portfolio and will report back this afternoon. I look forward to the presentation.

    See you then

